Sunday, March 3, 2013

Working Title: Hazing: illegal revenge or beneficial disciplinary acts

Topic: I want to explore the art of hazing, and how harmful and serious it can get. Hazing is often something that gets swept under the rug, when it should not. I want to explore all of the secrets of hazing whether it is in fraternities, sororities, or even a tradition in some peoples' culture. I want to expose the dirty little secrets that most people turn the other cheek to. I want to show how some people view hazing as revenge, while other people see it as teaching a person self-discipline.

Research Question: How far can hazing really go? What are some of the craziest methods of hazing? Why do some people view hazing as a disciplinary action? How is it a type of revenge?

Theoretical Frame: I want to first start off by introducing the topic of hazing. To do this, I want to have a vivid example of hazing as my opening paragraph, showing how some people view it as a positive way of teaching someone discipline, and how other people view it as a horrible, dehumanizing act. Then, I will have an introduction paragraph, outlining my paper, followed by many paragraphs illustrating points that I discussed. I want to explore college hazing, high school hazing, sports hazing, and hazing in different cultures.

Research Plan, Case or Additional Questions: I plan to explore various new reports, articles, documentaries that show different views and difference perspectives on hazing. I am going to read books and see what psychologists have found. I want to show people how bad it is, while also making them think of the other sides of hazing. Additional questions that may present themselves are how hazing happens so frequently, but is so well kept hidden. I want to show the readers how to look for signs of hazing, and be able to recognize when it is going on.

1 comment:

  1. As I mention above, you need to look at Hank Nuwer's work. Also, I strongly urge you to stay focused on sorority hazing as one way of containing the research and helping to focus your topic. There are probably unique aspects of hazing in the sorority situation. Also, there was a local instance of sorority hazing a couple years back that might be worth examining. I posted on it at my blog (though the image I referenced seems to have vanished from the web):
